I"m Pav and I have been snapping away for almost a decade. During this time I have developed good working relationships with variety of creators and performers across London and England. 
Looking at work section of this page you will soon realise that majority of my interest and experience is around movement, dance and performance. I usually join busy, vibrant events and blend in, to produce reflections of those little moments captured in time. No AI, no photoshop, just quality images documenting your event, showing real people having a good time, whist doing what they love. 
Looking at my portfolio I have worked with the best aficionados in their respected categories. My own passion and commitment led me to being published by The Times, Daily Mail and other nationwide titles, published both in the UK and Europe. My passion and experience are still here but now, those are accessible to everyone with a good project to share. 
All the photos presented on this modest page are a result of a formal, paid or voluntary partnership working with official event organisers. 
So, if you are looking for a photographer, or perhaps it was me, dropping you a message? Have a look at my portfolio and if you like what you see, get in touch. 

photo Mariusz Smiejek